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daily trojan

product manager - online projects team


product management, web design, front-end development


tools used:
figma, html/css/jquery, notion

about Daily Trojan

The Daily Trojan is the student-run publication at the University of Southern California. Its first edition was published in 1912 and it continues to serve as the go-to source for campus happenings, local and global news, and more.

about online projects

The online projects team is one of the 20+ teams at the Daily Trojan and it sits on the digital side of the publication. We are an interdisciplinary team that creates multimedia websites about major themes and events on campus. This could mean creating an election guide for our student government elections that the campus community can reference before casting their votes, or a website that captures the post-pandemic landscape of the campus community. These websites are created using the content and stories other sections (both print and digital) like arts, design, podcast, opinion, features, and news create; And we combine all of these stories and content into a themed website for our audience to look back on (and to see a cool website!)

what I did

As the PM on the online projects team, I managed a team of 8 web designers and front-end developers to develop 5 websites over the course of three semesters. My main tasks on each website project included:

Developing project briefs:

QA Testing:

Project Management:


Here are a few of the websites my staffers and I created!

daily trojan fall 2022 football season supplement
hopes, heisman, and heartbreaks -- project covering USC's fall 2022 football season
daily trojan the new normal website
the new normal -- project documenting the USC community's return to campus post-pandemic
daily trojan usc after dark website
USC after dark -- project on nightlife at USC
daily trojan usg spring 2022 election guide website
USG spring 2022 election guide -- project introducing all platforms for the spring 2022 student government election